Electromagnetic Fields

There is a gap between the public perception of the risks from exposure to radio frequency – Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) – and the scientific facts. Certain sections of society remain fearful of 5G rollout because they fear negative health effects from exposure to EMF. Many competent authorities address these concerns through their work.

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Radio Spectrum Policy Group adopted a joint position on EMF issues in 2020. The joint statement set out that, amongst other things, accurate public information on the new technology and its interplay with EMF, was also key for the successful acceptance of 5G networks.

BEREC is pleased to set out information about the different levels of cooperation between the national competent bodies and about national policies on monitoring, communicating and implementing EMF-related issues. Please see some of the country-specific information gathered by BEREC on the webpages below.