Intra-EU Communications

What are Intra-EU calls?

Since 15 May 2019, international calls and SMS within the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area have been cheaper for many consumers. The Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down measures concerning open internet access and retail charges for regulated intra-EU communications – the Intra-EU Communications Regulation – introduced price caps for fixed and mobile calls and SMS originating in the consumer’s Member State (MS) and terminating in another MS. There is a fine difference between roaming and Intra-EU Communications. When doing Intra-EU Communications, the user stays in their home country rather than leaving it when roaming and using a mobile phone abroad. The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has published guidelines and an opinion on intra-EU communications.

The BEREC Guidelines for Intra-EU Communications

The Updated BEREC Guidelines for Intra-EU Communications clarify the provisions for regulating Intra-EU Communications services pursuant to Article 50 of the BEREC Regulation, to ensure a common regulatory approach and support consistent implementation of the provisions. In the Guidelines, BEREC defines general provisions and specific rules and provides a parameter for assessing the sustainability of these provisions.

The BEREC Opinion on the Intra-EU Communications Regulation

In order to support the European Commission’s assessment of the effects of the existing measures set out in the Regulation on Intra-EU Communications as required by recital 53 of the Roaming Regulation, BEREC has prepared an Opinion on the Review of the Intra-EU Communications Regulation. In the Opinion, BEREC analyses the measures imposed and draws on the data collected for the Intra-EU Communications Reports.

BEREC’s analysis showed that the Intra-EU Communications Regulation supports the reduction of the average revenue per unit for regulated Intra-EU Communication services for both mobile and fixed services. However, this reduction does not have a significant impact on the regulated volumes consumed or on the number of consumers using these services.