Evolution of services and deployment

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) aims to keep track of the evolution of services that are offered over wireless connections, in order to identify trends and analyse their potential impact on consumers and markets, and on potential regulatory challenges and options.

Number-based services

Mobile cellular networks were originally designed to allow mobile users to make and receive telephone calls. Voice calls are still an important feature, as a basic service based on the International Telecommunication Union numbering system, to enable voice calls to users, businesses and organisations all over the world. Another basic service that emerged with the success of mobile telephony is the Short Message Service (SMS). Although many users nowadays prefer to use ‘over the top’ alternatives such as Skype or WhatsApp (see below), SMS is still used in many cases where it is useful to use a basic messaging service that is available on any (mobile) phone, for instance to send codes used for two-factor authentication procedures. The ability to reach emergency services through harmonised emergency phone numbers (112) is also an important feature.

Other services and deployment

Internet access started as an extra feature for mobile phones, but mobile broadband access has now become a commodity: smartphones and other mobile devices are – in general – online always and everywhere. Some services over this broadband connection (‘over the top services’), such as WhatsApp and Skype, complement but also compete with number-based voice and SMS services.

Trends in services specifically designed for Machine-to-Machine communication or ‘Internet of Things’ devices are also important to follow, as they may have an impact on wireless networks and related value chains and business models.

Certain professional user groups of mobile technologies have very specific requirements. Special solutions aimed at manufacturers, campuses, indoor solutions, in combination with the technical capabilities of 5G and newer technologies, have an impact on the opportunities and implementation of private networks, networks for verticals, neutral hosting, etc. This leads to emerging business opportunities for parties other than traditional Mobile Network Operators to offer services aimed at specific user groups.

BEREC’s standpoint

BERECs aim is to ensure consumer rights and to foster qualities like choice, quality and price of different telecom services. BEREC aims for good functioning telecom markets with room for competition, innovation and sustainability.