Universal Service

Universal service provision is an important policy goal to avoid the digital divide and social and economic exclusion, and will remain relevant in the future. It has been an important part of electronic communications legislation from the beginning of liberalising the electronic communications market. The framework has ensured that a basic supply of universal services throughout the Member States (MS) is available for all End Users.

With the adoption of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Electronic Communications Code – the EECC – the universal service and its scope shifted, and, according to Article 84(1), it comprises adequate broadband Internet Access Service (IAS) and Voice Communications Services.

Every MS shall define the adequate broadband IAS for paragraph 1 to ensure the bandwidth necessary for social and economic participation in society. Adequate broadband IAS should be capable of delivering the bandwidth needed for supporting at least the minimum set of services set out in Annex V of the EECC. The MSs should take into account the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications reports on best practices to define adequate broadband internet access in light of national conditions and the minimum bandwidth enjoyed by the majority of consumers within an MS territory, to allow an adequate level of social inclusion and participation in the digital economy and society in their territory.