Introduction to Evolution of Wireless Networks

What is Evolution of Wireless Networks and why does it matter?

Most people use wireless networks every day to connect to the internet with their smartphones and tablets, or to make and receive phone calls and/or Short Message Service (SMS) messages. Wireless connectivity also supports many forms of Device-to-Device communication and Business-to-Business or Business-to-Business-to-Consumer communication. There are many types of network topologies supporting and enabling all kinds of economic activity, including satellite communication networks, WiFi networks, Bluetooth enabled networks, mobile networks and heterogenous networks.

Why is BEREC involved in Evolution of Wireless Networks?

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications aims to identify and describe trends in different areas of wireless communication, and to analyse their potential impact on consumers and markets.

BEREC’s main interests in the area of Wireless Network Evolution are:

Check out the work of the Wireless Network Evolution Working Group