EMF related country-specific information for Bulgaria

National Regulatory Authority (NRA) CRC, BG
NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic fields (EMF) Ministry of Health
NRA responsible for monitoring EMF Ministry of Health
EMF material published by NRA https://crc.bg/en/news/1314/5-g-deployments-and-the-protection-of-public-health

NRA publishes EMF measurements No
Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Yes
Other noteworthy country specific practices https://public-emp.ncpha.government.bg/Geolocation/ViewBaseStationsOnMap.aspx


CRC obliges undertakings to comply with the provisions of Ordinance 9 of 1991, which sets the maximum limits of permissible electromagnetic fields and the conditions for protection of the population from electromagnetic radiation (including emissions from 5G networks). According to this ordinance, the control of these limits is within the competence of the Ministry of Health.

CRC carried out a news campaign in one of the main online dailies and the topic were discussed at a round table and forum.
ICNIRP exposure level used (Y/N)? -