EMF related country-specific information for Croatia
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Croatian Employers' Association Information and Communications Technology Group (HUP ICT)
NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) | No |
NRA responsible for monitoring EMF | Yes |
EMF material published by NRA | Yes |
NRA publishes EMF measurements | Yes |
Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF | Yes, the Ministry of Health (MH). MH is responsible for setting exposure limits and issuing permits for the installation and operation of BS in regard to EMF, based on EMF reports from authorised companies. |
Other noteworthy country specific practices | http://povezanismosigurni.hr https://www.hakom.hr/hr/5g-mreza/60 https://zdravlje.gov.hr/o-ministarstvu/djelokrug-1297/javnozdravstvena-zastita/zastita-od-zracenja/komunikacija-ministarstva-zdravstva-sa-stanovnistvom-rh-vezano-za-utjecaj-elektromagnetskih-polja-na-zdravlje-ljudi/1782 |
ICNIRP exposure level used (Y/N)? | Yes: ICNIRP 1999/519/EG Limits for so-called “increased sensitivity areas”, which include residential and business buildings, schools, kindergartens, nursing homes, hospitals, playgrounds, and tourist accommodation facilities, are stricter than ICNIRP 1999/519/EG. |
NRA and HUP ICT started activities with the aim to educate the public about electromagnetic fields and 5G. These activities are independent of each other but have the same goal - to facilitate 5G deployment.
Croatian NRA HAKOM has published on its website a special section dedicated exclusively to 5G technology:
This page covers simple explanations of what the 5G is, its technical characteristics, possible use cases, etc. The European Union and national strategies are presented as well. The EMF section explains relevant regulations (ICNIRP guidelines, current Croatian regulation) and the role of the NRA in relation to EMF. Information on test licenses and deployed 5G sites are also published and regularly updated.
HUP ICT, which brings together Croatian ICT companies including Mobile Network Operators, started the campaign “Connected and safe” (website available in Croatian only) trying to explain 5G technology, including the frequency bands that are used, when the network will be operational and what advantages will it bring: