Open procurement procedure for the provision of mobile telephony services
The Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office), an Agency of the European Union (EU) based in Riga, Latvia, is pleased to announce the launch of an open procurement procedure for the provision of mobile telephony services (BEREC/2025/OP/0001). The BEREC Office supports the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) in ensuring consistent application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications.
Total value and deadlines
The total estimated value is EUR 150 000 (excluding VAT) for the entire framework contract (FWC) duration of maximum 48 months, i.e., four years. This procurement procedure is not divided into lots.
The deadline to submit tenders is 26 March 2025, at 14:00 Riga time.
Services required
As detailed in the published procurement documents, the objective of this procurement procedure is a conclusion of the FWC for four years aiming to provide the BEREC Office with mobile telephony services. The services are essential for the BEREC Office staff to be reachable and perform daily tasks while working remotely or from the office, in meetings, whilst teleworking, on a mission or in public transport. The service provider must ensure the BEREC Office with mandatory mobile telephony services. Among others, those include:
- Mobile telephony network coverage in the BEREC Office premises in Riga, Latvia;
- Domestic and international voice calls and text messages;
- Calls, text messages and mobile data while in roaming;
- 4G/5G mobile voice and data services;
- Monitoring of service performance;
- Produce mobile service usage statistics;
- Customer service;
- Etc.
The provision of mobile telephony services should also consider optional services. Those are services which the BEREC Office might decide to order during the performance of the FWC or, on the contrary, decide not to order. Those are:
- Static IP address;
- Mobile data security;
- Mobile network modem with internet connectivity.
All information is specified in the procurement documents and in the contract notice. Those are published on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (F&T Portal), where you can also access the e-Submission tool.
F&T Portal and e-Submission
All interested economic operators are invited to familiarise themselves with the procurement documents available on the F&T Portal and take into account the fact that the BEREC Office uses a specific e-Submission tool for receiving tenders.
The F&T Portal is the main entry point for procurement options managed by the European Commission and other EU institutions and agencies, including the BEREC Office.
The F&T Portal is used for the electronic exchange of information between the BEREC Office and potential tenderers, including questions and answers, and the electronic submission of documents in response to the call for tenders.