The BEREC-EMERG-EaPeReg-REGULATEL Summit, will take place on the 2nd and 3rd July 2015, in Barcelona, Spain, being the Spain's National Authority on Markets and Competition (CNMC) the hosting NRA of this event.
BEREC welcomes the new initiative’s overall goals of making the most of the growth potential of a barrier-free, seamlessly operational digital single market. BEREC appreciates the holistic approach to promote cross-sectoral measures, considering all factors...
A delegation from the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), has visited the BEREC Office and held a meeting with BEREC representatives.
On 26 and 27 February 2015 in Berne (Switzerland) BEREC held its 22nd ordinary plenary meeting. It has been the first plenary meeting chaired by the BEREC Chair 2015 – Prof. Fátima Barros – President...
BEREC held its third Plenary meeting of the year in Rome, Italy.
BEREC and the European Commission had an initial discussion on the proposals to abolish international roaming retail surcharges, one of the pillars of...
BEREC held its second Plenary meeting of the year in Dublin, Ireland.
BEREC adopted its opinion on the Commission’s Recommendation on Relevant Markets, which is broadly supportive of the Commission’s overall approach. At the same...