10 June 2014
BEREC adopts its opinion on the Commission’s Recommendation on Relevant Markets

BEREC held its second Plenary meeting of the year in Dublin, Ireland.
BEREC adopted its opinion on the Commission’s Recommendation on Relevant Markets, which is broadly supportive of the Commission’s overall approach. At the same time, however, and in support of NRAs’ regulatory objectives to encourage effective competition to the benefit of end users, BEREC noted that despite a long-term trend in the competitive conditions in the current markets 1 and 2, it is likely that a number of NRAs will still propose to regulate those markets in the short- to medium-term. BEREC welcomed flexibility in relation to broadband markets, whose definition will depend on the product portfolios of the market providers, existing network structures and the prevailing national competitive conditions.
Following a public consultation, BEREC also adopted its revised Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis. This is relevant to all electronic communications markets susceptible to ex ante regulation, with a particular focus on broadband services. BEREC members had the pleasure of welcoming FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who provided members with an overview of recent developments in the US, including the recently published consultation on net neutrality.
At its 19th Plenary meeting since its creation in 2010, BEREC also adopted for publication its latest benchmark report on mobile, fixed and SMS termination rates (as of January 2014), as well as its annual reports for 2013 on its activities and on the state of the sector.
This was the second BEREC Plenary meeting under the chairmanship of Göran Marby, Director-General of the Swedish regulator, PTS.
BEREC is composed of a Board of Regulators consisting of the Heads of the 28 national regulatory authorities (NRAs). BEREC advises the European Commission and its member NRAs, and assists the European Parliament and Council, on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications. BEREC seeks to ensure fair competition and consistency of regulation in the internal market for electronic communications, for the benefit of European consumers. In particular, it provides expert advice on market definitions, analysis and remedies, on the definition of transnational markets, and on cross-border disputes and numbering issues. BEREC also provides expert opinions on emerging challenges including the promotion of broadband, net neutrality and converging markets, and plays an active role in public discussions on these issues.
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