The BEREC Work Programme 2026 now open for stakeholder input

Collaboration with stakeholders is essential for BEREC to achieve its goal of having consistent regulatory rules applied across the European Union. The BEREC Chair, Robert Mourik (ComReg, Ireland), and other speakers presented the outcomes of the recent BEREC plenary meeting at a public debriefing on 20 March.

Call for input to the BEREC Work Programme 2026

The incoming BEREC Chair, Marko Mišmaš (AKOS, Slovenia), outlined the process for drafting BEREC’s Work Programme for 2026. He emphasised the importance of stakeholder engagement and encouraged all interested parties to propose relevant projects for consideration in the upcoming work programme by 10 April 2025.

BEREC Stakeholder Forum - meet our experts in person

The incoming Chair also invited stakeholders to come to the annual BEREC Stakeholder Forum on 1 April 2025 in Brussels. This signature event presents an opportunity to enhance stakeholder engagement and discuss regulatory practices across Europe. The aim of the Forum is to provide a platform for dialogue, knowledge-sharing and networking between industry representatives and regulatory bodies. The BEREC Stakeholder Forum will again have its customary Meet&Greet sessions in the morning before the Conference in the afternoon. The Meet&Greet will feature short, informal meetings with BEREC’s Working Group Co-Chairs, to learn more about the work that will be developed in each of the groups in 2025, whilst the Conference will consist of several panel discussions and a keynote speech focusing on end-user rights and market power regulation. Registration for the event is still open and it will be livestreamed on the BEREC website and its social media platforms: LinkedIn and YouTube.

Stakeholder input requested for the updated VHCN Guidelines

BEREC invites stakeholders to participate in the public consultation on the draft update to the Guidelines on Very High-Capacity Networks (VHCN) by 30 April 2025. These Guidelines set out four criteria and state that any network that meets at least one of these criteria is classified as a VHCN. The first version of the Guidelines was adopted in 2020. The current update specifically concerns criterion three, which defines quality of service thresholds that any fixed-line network need to meet under usual peak time conditions to be considered a VHCN. The review is based on data collected in 2024.The data collection confirms the current quality of service thresholds of criterion 3, which were determined 2020. Therefore, the draft Guidelines do not foresee a substantive change of those thresholds.

Under the European Electronic Communications Code, BEREC is required to update the Guidelines by 31 December 2025. BEREC already updated criterion four in 2023. The first two criteria do not require updates as they are not affected by technological developments.

New Opinion issued on Meta’s interoperability reference offers

BEREC has issued an Opinion to ensure that Meta's proposed interoperability solutions comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) objectives, aimed at promoting competitive digital markets. As Meta has been designated a gatekeeper under the DMA for its number-independent interpersonal communications services (NI-ICS), among others, Meta must publish a reference offer outlining the technical details and terms by which competitors can connect to its messaging services, Messenger and WhatsApp. This Opinion provides specific feedback on Meta's reference offer defined in the BEREC Report on the interoperability of NI-ICS and builds on the two previous Opinions that BEREC delivered on the proposed solutions for WhatsApp interoperability.

Fresh perspectives on private 5G networks

At the recent public debriefing, the Wireless Network Evolution Working Group Co-chairs presented BEREC's report on the evolution of private 5G networks across Europe and the interrelation with public networks. The report delivers fresh perspectives on private 5G networks for NRAs and other relevant stakeholders, and makes it easier to understand why there are different definitions and classifications of such networks, and the related regulatory approaches in different countries. The 20 consultation responses to this report, received in November 2024, have been described in a summary report, and were used to update and finalise the report, including setting out some examples of relevant use cases.


The National Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Information Technology of the Republic of Moldova (ANRCETI) has been welcomed as a participant without voting rights to BEREC and the BEREC Office. With the signing of the working arrangements on 5 March 2025, ANRCETI will take part in the activities of BEREC and the BEREC Office, including attending meetings of the BEREC Board of Regulators, the Contact Network, and the BEREC Office Management Board. ANRCETI will also be involved in the work of the BEREC Working Groups. This agreement marks a significant step in strengthening cooperation with the Republic of Moldova, particularly in the field of electronic communications.

Cyber-security and resilience workshop

Reliable communication networks are crucial for maintaining social and economic stability, particularly during crises. To ensure uninterrupted service, it is essential to implement strategic measures, such as addressing vulnerabilities, prioritising emergency services, and holding regular crisis management drills between various stakeholders. These are the main takeaways from the BEREC Stakeholder Workshop on Network Resilience that the Cybersecurity and Resilience Working Group held in November 2024. During the Workshop, there was a discussion between experts and stakeholders who shared their insights and experience on strengthening network resilience. The Board of Regulators has adopted the report on the Workshop's outcomes, thus setting the stage for future initiatives.

Upcoming BEREC events

1 April 2025 at The EGG in Brussels and online – 13th BEREC Stakeholder Forum. This major annual public event in the BEREC calendar gathers together top-level telecom professionals, experts, policy-makers and businesses to discuss topics of interest for the future. It provides an opportunity for stakeholders to meet the BEREC Working Group Co-Chairs in person. This year, the main focus will be on end-user rights in evolving digital markets and regulating market power. Registration is still possible. The transcript and livestream recording will be posted on the BEREC website after the event.

On 30 April 2025, at the IRG Secretariat in Brussels, the BEREC Sustainability Working Group will hold a workshop on digital service ecodesign for greener networks and ICT. This workshop will highlight the existing tools, framework and best practices that enable the development of sustainable digital services. It will bring together representatives from public authorities that are active in digital service ecodesign, market representatives and sustainability specialists to build a comprehensive overview of existing initiatives and stakeholder perspectives on digital services ecodesign. Registration will open soon on the BEREC website.

On 21 May, the BEREC End Users and Cybersecurity Working Groups will organise a workshop to address growing concerns surrounding fraudulent activity and the misuse of numbering resources, both of which have significantly increased in recent years. These issues have had a direct impact on end users and market participants alike. A lack of trust in numbers being genuine can raise broader concerns related to privacy, security, and the overall reliability of digital interactions. The workshop aim is to comprehensively tackle these challenges, explore their far-reaching implications beyond the telecommunications sector and seek holistic solutions to restore confidence and trust in electronic communication systems. Additionally, BEREC will discuss the cross-sectoral effects of fraudulent activity and number misuse to make these issues more widely understood. The workshop will take place at the IRG Secretariat in Brussels.

For more information on upcoming BEREC events, visit our website and subscribe.

Public documents available online

A full list of the public documents adopted at BEREC’s 62nd ordinary meeting (13-14 March 2025) is available on the BEREC website. The presentation and the video recording of the BEREC public debriefing will be available shortly. The 63rd BEREC ordinary meeting will take place on 5-6 June 2025, in Iceland. The next BEREC public debriefing will be held online on 11 June 2025.

Document number: BoR (25) 47
Document date: 20 March 2025
Date of registration: 20 March 2025
Document type:
Author: BEREC