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121 Results: BEREC / BEREC Press Releases
Displaying 1 - 10 of 121 results
Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (25) 47 The BEREC Work Programme 2026 now open for stakeholder input BEREC
BoR (24) 193 BEREC analyses progress towards copper switch-off, physical infrastructure access and the impact of sharing on sustainability BEREC
BoR (24) 162 BEREC introduces work plans for the next year and launches a public consultation BEREC
BoR (24) 112 BEREC seeks stakeholder input on IP interconnection, M2M roaming and assessment of the general authorisation regime BEREC
BoR (24) 70 Cloud & edge computing services report, large CAPs impact on electronic communications networks and services report and draft Work Programme 2025 now open for stakeholder input BEREC
BoR (24) 59 BEREC welcomes the adoption of the White Paper on ”How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs” BEREC
BoR (23) 218 BEREC clarifies the general authorisation and related frameworks for international submarine connectivity BEREC
BoR (23) 187 Press release - BEREC Work Programme 2024 launched for public consultation BEREC
BoR (23) 161 Press release - BEREC facilitates agreement on retail price caps among operators to reduce roaming charges when travelling between the European Union and Moldova BEREC
BoR (23) 143 BEREC’s expertise contributes to the successful implementation of the Digital Markets Act BEREC
Displaying 1 - 10 of 121 results