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Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Croatian Employers' Association Information and Communications Technology Group (HUP ICT) NRA HAKOM, HR NRA responsible for setting exposure 13/09/2021
National regulatory Authority (NRA) CNMC, ES NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) No NRA responsible for monitoring EMF No EMF material 13/09/2021
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + National Frequency Agency Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Exposure Measurements available on request to anyone EMF measures available on 13/09/2021
Focal point - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (responsible for the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) safety of the general public) National Regulatory Authority (NRA) Traficom, FI 13/09/2021
Focal point - Department of Electronic Communications of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy Obligation for Mobile Network Operators to conduct and publish 13/09/2021
Focal points - National Health Board + Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications National Regulatory Authority (NRA) ETRA, EE NRA responsible for setting exposure 13/09/2021
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Ministry of Digital Affairs of the Chancellery + National Research Institute + Ministry of Digital Affairs + 13/09/2021
Focal point – the National Regulatory Authority (NRA). No Information on cooperation. NRA responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) monitoring and publishing NRA operating fixed monitoring 13/09/2021
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Operator + Superintendent for Public Health Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Measurements available on request to anyone EMF 13/09/2021
The National Regulatory Authority (NRA) responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) monitoring and publishing. NRA ANACOM, PT NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF No 13/09/2021