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Organisation/ Event title Date Location BEREC representative(s) Bilateral Call with DG CONNECT 25.01.2021 Virtual meeting BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT) Director of the BEREC 01/01/2021
Composition The Board of Regulators (BoR) is the main decision-making body of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). The BoR is composed 04/01/2021
Definition of a Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest exists when a person appointed to a function has a personal or vested interest in 12/01/2015
European Institutions Cooperation with the European Union institutions (i.e. European Commission, Council and Parliament) does not fall within the scope of the Body of European 25/04/2023
Export_Number_Ranges_Query Country Country_code Code_leading Num_starts Num_stops Max_num_length Min_num_length ECS_Type Link_rules_described Link_assigment_reported Only_EU Link_portability_is_reported Additional_information Worldwide BE 32 77 000 000 000 00 999 999 999 21/02/2023
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Ministry of the Interior + Ministry of Trade and Industry Involvement of media + private companies NRA 13/09/2021
Cooperation of National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Ministry + Interdisciplinary Scientific Advisory Board (focusing on health issues of wireless communications) Cooperation with Local + Regional 13/09/2021
Cooperation of National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + competent authorities (health, environmental, radiation protection) Involvement of regional (Flemish and Walloon) governments NRA BIPT, BE NRA responsible 13/09/2021
National Regulatory Authority (NRA) CRC, BG NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic fields (EMF) Ministry of Health NRA responsible for monitoring EMF Ministry 13/09/2021
Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport + Federal Ministry for the Environment + Federal Office for Radiation 13/09/2021