17 March 2014

BEREC launched a public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on Monitoring quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality, DEADLINE 28 April 2014

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Today, 17 March 2014, BEREC has launched a public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on Monitoring quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality, which was approved for consultation by the Board of Regulators on 27 February 2014.

The role of the public consultation is to increase transparency and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from all interested parties.

In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultation (art. 16 of the BEREC Rules of procedures), BEREC will publish a summary of all contributions received and an explanation as to how they were reflected in the final report.

The main objectives of the report are to:

a. Describe available quality monitoring methods

b. Provide recommendations for future quality monitoring systems

c. Explore the evolution of a potential multi-NRA opt-in system

The public consultation will run from 17 March to 28 April 2014.

Stakeholders are invited to send their contributions by 28 April 2014 by email to [email protected] in English.