Public Warning Systems

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications should establish and maintain a single Union wide database of means of access to emergency services that are mandated and technically feasible to be used by roaming end users in all Member States. Such a database would help national operators, national regulatory authorities and, where applicable, other competent authorities, to be informed of all these means of access to emergency services deployed within the Union.

Country Sort descending Means of Access Type of PWS Link to PWS Description Link to PWS Download Additional Information
Poland Available by downloading free of charge App System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed.
Poland Available by downloading free of charge App System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed.
Poland Available by downloading free of charge App System (RSO -Regionalny System Ostrzegania - Regional Warning System) for citizens in case of major emergencies is being developed.
Portugal N/A Location-based SMS SMS warning system, available for citizens in case of local threats. Sent by the operators to their customers/roamers (in) in case of the emergency situation.
Romania RO-ALERT system allows sending Cell Broadcast messages to warn and alert citizens in case of emergency, according to the legal provisions. Cell Broadcast