Public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the EU

In recent years several NRAs have imposed access to (active) layer 2 (Ethernet) wholesale access products as a remedy on the wholesale local access market and/or the wholesale broadband access market. In order to get a deeper insight into these products and to foster the exchange of experiences and contribute to the harmonisation of regulatory instruments used in the European Union, this document firstly aims to give an overview of the L2 WAP of ten European countries and secondly it aims to identify common characteristics of the L2 WAP of these ten countries.The analysis is descriptive and does not aim at being normative or recommend a best practice.

The draft BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union was approved for public consultation at the BEREC Board of Regulators meeting in Bergen, Norway on 4 June 2015.

BEREC published on its website the public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common characteristics of layer 2 wholesale access products (hereafter L2 WAP) in the European Union” on 8 June 2015. The stakeholders were invited to send their views on the consultation document until 10 July 2015. In total BEREC received 14 contributions.

This report has the objective to provide an overview of the received contributions and to present BEREC’s view on them with regard to the need to change the consultation document . The report is structured according to the following main topics covered by the contributions:

  • General Comments
  • Suggestions which characteristics L2 WAP should have
  • Suggestions for further research and improvements
  • Suggestions for correction and modification of the consultation document

The contribution which has to be treated confidential is not described in this report. BEREC will include two clarifications in the consultation document due to this contribution.

Please consult the report on the public consultation on the BEREC report on Common characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesales Access products in the EU

List of all documents related to the public consultations:

No of document Document title or Name of contributor
Document subject to consultation
BoR (15) 64 Draft BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union 
List of all individual contribution received by BEREC:
PC 02 (15) 01 TDC’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 02 QSC AG’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 03 KPN’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 04 1&1 Telekom Gmbh’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 05 Orange’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 06 Tele2’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 07 Telefonica’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 08 Verizon’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 09 Wind’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 10 Versatel’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 11 Fastweb’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 12 Colt’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 13 Vodafone’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
PC 02 (15) 14 ECTA’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”
Documents approved by BEREC after the public consultation:
BoR (15) 132 BEREC Report on the Public Consultation on Document “Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union”
BoR (15) 133 BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union