TDC’s response to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”

In recent years several national regulatory authorities have imposed access to (active) layer 2 (Ethernet) wholesale access products (L2 WAP) as a remedy on the wholesale local access market and/or the wholesale broadband access market. To get a deeper insight into these products and to foster the exchange of experiences and to contribute to the harmonisation of regulatory instruments used in the EU, during the last two years BEREC has been analysing L2 WAP in place.

As part of this exercise from 8 June to 10 July 2015 BEREC organised a public consultation on the draft BEREC Report “Common Characteristics of L2 WAP in the EU”.

The current document contains the individual contribution of TDC to the BEREC public consultation mentioned above.

Document number: BoR PC02 (15) 01
Document date: 10 July 2015
Date of registration: 25 September 2015
Document type:
Author: TDC