19 September 2023

Initiative on Laptops for Ukraine: the donated devices will be delivered to Ukraine soon

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Almost 200 devices have been collected since May 2023 in the initiative on Laptops for Ukraine. The devices include laptops, smartphones and tablets, and they will soon be delivered to schools, hospitals and public administration institutions in the most war-affected regions of Ukraine.

The aim of this initiative is to help Ukraine stay connected. The initiative is jointly organised by the European Commission, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and DigitalEurope. Collection hubs have been made available in many European Union countries. In Latvia, it is being organised by the association Tavi Draugi in cooperation with the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office), the only European Union Agency in Latvia.


‘Our aim is to keep the awareness high about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and we feel it is important to help the Ukrainian people in all the ways we can. The BEREC Office is taking part in the Laptops for Ukraine initiative not only through our own donations, but also by maintaining the work of the only collection hub in Latvia. The latter would not be possible without the determined and continuous work of our experienced partner, Tavi Draugi. In these difficult times, the least we can do is to support Ukraine and its people to stay connected. If you have a spare working laptop, phone or tablet, give it a new life and donate it in this campaign,’ the Director of the BEREC Office, Laszlo Igneczi, warmly encourages us.

‘We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to every company and individual who has donated and continues to donate necessary devices for Ukraine. The devices are used but in good working order, and they will enable Ukrainian hospitals to work, Ukrainian children to continue studying, and Ukrainian state institutions to provide the most important services to citizens. The initiative will continue in the long term. We invite everyone, who has the opportunity, to get involved,’ says Renāte Grundstoka, a representative of the association Tavi Draugi.

In Latvia, companies and individuals have been invited to hand in their smart devices to the association Tavi Draugi in Riga, Ventspils street 50, K- 3. Its warehouse opening hours are Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 18:00. It is essential that the smart devices are in working order: the battery, touch screen and keyboard must work well. Before donating, please remove all personal / sensitive information from your device. Please find more information about Laptops for Ukraine and donation options for this and other initiatives under Laptops for Ukraine on the Tavi Draugi website.