11 March 2025
Save the date: first online public debriefing on 20 March 2025

On Thursday, 20 March at 14:00 CET, all interested stakeholders are invited to join a public debriefing on the latest work output of BEREC experts.
The BEREC Chair, Robert Mourik (ComReg, Ireland), and the Working Group Co-Chairs will introduce the adopted documents, announce the call for early input from stakeholders to the outline of the BEREC Work Programme for 2026, and give some insights on upcoming BEREC public events.
During this online event, BEREC will launch public consultations on draft documents related to the updates of the Very High Capacity Networks Guidelines. The specific topics that will be discussed as part of the event will be announced after the BEREC plenary meetings (13-14 March 2025).
Format of the debriefing
The public debriefing will be livestreamed on the BEREC website. The livestream window will appear on the front page of the BEREC website shortly before the start of the event. Confirm your participation by registering and submit your questions for the speakers via the same form.
Engagement with speakers
During the event, stakeholders may also ask questions via the chat box that will appear next to the livestream window. The speakers will answer the questions you submit during the dedicated Q&A session.
All documents adopted during the BEREC ordinary meetings will be made available on the BEREC website as of 18 March 2025, along with a list of other publicly available and related documents. Following the event, BEREC will post a recording of the debriefing on its website.