Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 59th BEREC ordinary meetings
On 12 June 2024, BEREC will hold an online public debriefing to present the outcomes of the 59th BEREC ordinary meetings. During this online debriefing, Tonko Obuljen (HAKOM, Croatia) together with the Working Group Co-chairs will present the documents adopted during the plenary meeting and will launch several public consultations on the following documents:
At the event, stakeholders will also receive more information about the BEREC Opinion on Meta's reference offer published in March 2024 to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act and the BEREC Report on empowering end-users through environmental transparency on digital products and services.
Format of the debriefing
The public debriefing will be livestreamed on the BEREC website. The link to the livestream will be published on the website shortly before the event on 12 June 2024. Prior to the debriefing, stakeholders can register their interest and submit questions to the speakers via the registration form below.
The speakers will answer these submitted questions during the dedicated Q&A session at the debriefing. During the event, stakeholders may also ask questions via the livestream window.
All public documents adopted during the BEREC ordinary meetings will be available on the BEREC website as of 11 June 2024 evening, along with a list of other publicly available and related documents.
Watch the recorded video on our Multimedia page.