Public consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on M2M and permanent roaming

During the 59th BEREC plenary meeting (6 June 2024), the Board of Regulators has approved the draft BEREC Report on M2M report and permanent roaming, (BoR (24) 96) for public consultation.

The draft report is presenting the information gathered from relevant stakeholders about the market for M2M communications and permanent roaming. Both access seekers (i.e. operators requesting wholesale roaming services in order to serve their customers using M2M devices outside of their home country) and access providers (i.e. operators serving as visited network operators for M2M devices used abroad) have provided their feedback in the BEREC questionnaire prepared for this report. This feedback provided valuable insights into the current landscape of M2M communications, helping to understand this rapidly evolving field. The draft report focuses on the topics of wholesale access, wholesale pricing, quality of service, competition aspects and refers to some further issues identified.

The issues and proposals expressed by the respondents for this report will be used for the analyses BEREC will conduct when preparing the Opinion on the Roaming Regulation BEREC intends to provide to the European Commission according to Article 21 of the Roaming Regulation in the first quarter of 2025.

Interested parties are kindly requested to submit their contributions by 23 August 2024 close of business to the following e-mail address:

After submission, an auto-reply email will acknowledge the contribution. Contributions should be sent preferably in English and, in order to facilitate processing of the responses, the comments provided should clearly refer to certain sections/subsections/paragraphs of the document.

In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. All contributions will be published on the BEREC website, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data. Stakeholders can request confidentiality of all or part of the documents submitted to the public consultation. If there is no clear indication that all or part of the documents are confidential, BEREC will presume that the documents can be made public. Please note that it is also possible to submit both a confidential and a public version of a given contribution.

Contributions received:




MVNO Europe

Related documents:

BEREC Report on the outcome of the Public Consultation about the Draft BEREC Report on M2M and permanent roaming

BEREC Report on M2M and permanent roaming