BEREC Work Programme 2018

The BEREC Work Programme 2018 is based on the BEREC Medium-Term Strategy 2018-2020 and takes the following five strategic priorities into consideration:
- responding to connectivity challenges and to new conditions for access to high-capacity networks;
- monitoring potential bottlenecks in the distribution of digital services;
- enabling 5G and promoting innovation in network technologies;
- fostering a consistent approach of the net neutrality principles;
- exploring new ways to boost consumer empowerment.

In this regard, BEREC would like to note that its three fundamental objectives – promoting competition and investment, promoting the internal market, and empowering and protecting end-users – will continue to be the relevant pillars guiding the work of BEREC for the coming three years.The Work Programme 2018 mirrors BEREC’s commitment to serve as a body for reflection, debate and advice for the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in the electronic communications field. Furthermore, BEREC’s future aims are to play an important role in further improving the consistent application of regulatory rules, to enhance its working methodology and to engage cooperatively and effectively with stakeholders. In line with the practice of previous years and in accordance with Article 5 of the BEREC Regulation, the BEREC Work Programme 2018 was subject to consultation. The public consultation ran from 11 October to 8 November 2017. The final BEREC Work Programme 2018 was discussed and agreed upon at the BEREC Board of Regulators meeting in Copenhagen on 7-8 December.

Document number: BoR (17) 238
Document date: 07 December 2017
Date of registration: 13 December 2017
Author: BEREC