Outline BEREC Work Programme 2026
This document is the Outline of the annual work programme of BEREC for 2026, which has to be adopted by 31 January of the year preceding that to which the annual work programme relates.
The objectives of the Outline BEREC Work Programme 2026 continue to be based on the mandatory tasks falling to BEREC stemming from the European electronic communications regulatory framework. Implementing the relevant regulatory framework in a consistent way is to the forefront of BEREC’s work.
The Outline Work Programme 2026 reflects BEREC’s commitment to serve as a body for thoughtful and proactive debate that provides advice to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in the field of electronic communications. Furthermore, BEREC’s future aims are to play an important role in further improving the consistent and harmonised application of regulatory rules, to enhance its working methods and to engage cooperatively and effectively with stakeholders.