
The Cybersecurity Working Group (CS WG) aims at supporting the take-up of secure and reliable electronic communications networks, while ensuring a smooth transition from legacy infrastructures to promote full connectivity. Concerns relating to security, robustness, privacy and integrity of the digital ecosystem have grown in recent years and will likely continue to require attention of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), and involved policy-makers. The CS WG supports BEREC in providing advice upon request and on its own initiative to the European Union (EU) institutions in order to assist the European Commission (EC) and the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in implementing the regulatory framework. CS WG plays a supporting role regarding 5G, cybersecurity and Open Radio Access Networks, and closely cooperate with the Network Information Security Cooperation Group (NIS CG) and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) by contributing to the implementation of the 5G toolbox. 

Working Group Co-chairs

(Note: This video was recorded in 2022. It may include one or more former Co-chairs)

Work in 2024

In 2024, the CS WG will continue working on related topics, based on the BEREC Work Programme 2024.

Ad hoc work on cybersecurity-related matters

BEREC continues to collaborate closely with the NIS CG as well as with ENISA and the EC on topics related to the resilience of communication networks as foreseen in the Nevers Call in order to draft recommendations and other guidelines, as needed. BEREC is closely following ENISA’s work on developing the certification scheme.

Safety and security opportunities and challenges for networks resilience

BEREC will expand its view and collect relevant National Regulatory Authorities’ (NRA) experiences in network resilience in general, including challenges related to the climate change and adverse weather conditions. BEREC is further exploring how the technological developments such as cloudification and softwarisation, 6G, quantum computing, Open Radio Access Network and use of Artificial Inteligence-based tools could impact the security of the networks and services in Europe, and how BEREC could contribute to mitigating the risks associated with these developments. Special emphasis is placed on examining how the above-mentioned developments impact network resilience.

Therefore, during 2024, BEREC intends to hold an external workshop to discuss security challenges related to technological developments, and changing climate conditions.

Why is this important?

Security in the digital space has become more important over the years. Ensuring cybersecurity and resilience in Europe’s communications infrastructures and networks plays a crucial role. The EC has set out three key objectives for the next steps in the Cybersecurity of 5G networks – exchange of information and best practices on a measure related to suppliers to ensure convergent national approaches for effective risk mitigation across the EU, knowledge building and cooperation amongst stakeholders and promoting supply chain resilience. Together with the other relevant authorities – for example, ENISA and the NIS CG – and alongside the EC, BEREC will again play a supportive role as an important contributor to the common goal of achieving secure and resilient European networks.

Published documents