Cybersecurity and Resilience

The Cybersecurity and Resilience Working Group (CSR WG) supports the take-up of secure and resilient electronic communications networks while ensuring a smooth transition from legacy infrastructures to full gigabit connectivity. It collaborates closely with the NIS Cooperation Group (NIS CG), ENISA, European Commission (EC) and telecoms National Regulatory Authorities (NRA) in topics related to resilience and security of communication networks. The Group contributes to best practice exchange and development of recommendations related to mitigation of threats stemming from natural or man-made causes.

NRA's maintain strong oversight of national communications infrastructures and engage directly with network operators daily. This positions the Group to actively contribute to European efforts aimed at enhancing the security and resilience of communication networks, ultimately benefiting both the economy and citizens.

The Group collaborates with other European authorities to ensure the coherent implementation of the cybersecurity regulatory framework. The Group will also assess the impact of new technological developments on the security and resilience of networks and services in Europe.

Working Group Co-chairs

Work in 2025

In 2025, the CSR WG will continue working on related topics, based on the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Work Programme 2025.

Ad hoc work to support reinforcing EU's cybersecurity and resilience capabilities

BEREC plans to continue to collaborate closely with the NIS CG as well as with ENISA and the EC on topics related to the resilience of communication networks as foreseen in the follow-up to the Never’s Call in order to develop recommendations and possible other guidelines. The NIS CG, ENISA, European Competent Authorities for Secure Electronic Communications (ECASEC) Expert Group and BEREC have drafted an Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the Nevers report – a living document shared among the mentioned parties.

BEREC will cooperate with ENISA and Member States on their work related to the Never’s Call recommendations; in particular, it will provide its support in collecting data from the market players where needed, give expert opinions and comments and support best practice sharing among the National Regulatory Authorities.

BEREC External workshop on the technological advances as security opportunities and challenges for network resilience

BEREC intends to hold an external workshop to discuss security challenges related to technological developments and changing climate conditions. In addition, BEREC is further exploring how technological developments such as cloudification and softwarisation, 6G, quantum computing, Open RAN and the use of AI-based tools could impact the security of the networks and services in Europe and how BEREC could contribute to mitigating the risks associated with these developments.

ECASEC-BEREC: Guidelines on preventing smishing

BEREC and ECASEC Expert Groups are tasked to facilitate the sharing of good practices on mitigating smishing and to prepare Guidelines on mitigating smishing. BEREC understands that more information exchanges are expected during 2025, which may better describe the format of the final deliverable(s).

Why is this important?

Security in the digital space has become more important over the years as many services get their digital variants. Therefore, ensuring cybersecurity and resilience in Europe’s communications infrastructures and networks plays a crucial role. Together with the other relevant authorities in member states, ENISA and the NIS CG, BEREC will again play a supportive role to the common goal of achieving secure and resilient European networks.

Published documents