Zdravko Jukić

Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries - Croatia

Zdravko Jukić is an electrical engineer who currently holds the position of Deputy Executive Director at HAKOM, the Croatian national regulator for electronic communications, postal and railways services markets.

Before joining HAKOM, Zdravko worked for 18 years for a big telecom vendor in Croatia, Sweden and Germany. He represented the vendor in the key standardisation fora such as Third Generation Partnership Project, Open Mobile Alliance and Tele-Management Forum, and held various positions form Software Developer and Tester to Senior Systems Manager.

From 2013 to 2018, Zdravko served as a Council Member of HAKOM. Council Members are appointed by the Croatian parliament for a five-year term. Zdravko holds a postgraduate degree in regulation from the University of Zagreb. Currently, Zdravko is chairing the 5G Security Working Group of the National Cyber Security Council. Zdravko represents Croatia in the Network and Information Systems Cooperation Group, 5G Work Stream. Zdravko is also a deputy member of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity Board, representing Croatia.