Outline for BEREC Work Programme 2021

The objectives of the outline BEREC Work Programme 2021 continue to be based on the mandatory tasks falling to BEREC stemming from the Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Implementing the EECC is at the forefront of BEREC’s work.

The objectives of this Outline will be aligned with the future BEREC Strategy 2021-2025, which is currently still at the drafting phase. The BEREC Draft Strategy 2021-25 will be subject to public consultation during March and April 2020, its final adoption being expected in June 2020.

Document number: BoR (20) 09
Document date: 30 January 2020
Date of registration: 30 January 2020
Author: BEREC