BEREC Work Programme 2024

Cover of the BEREC Work Programme 2024The objectives of this Work Programme are based on the BEREC Strategy 2021-2025, with a close focus on three priorities: promoting full connectivity, supporting sustainable and open digital markets, and empowering end-users. It also draws on the Medium-Term Strategy for relations with other institutions. The Work Programme 2024 aims to be aligned with the priorities of the European Commission for the 2020-2024 legislative cycle as well as the vision, targets and avenues for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030, set out in the Digital Compass and the Policy Programme ‘Path to the Digital Decade’.

Finally, BEREC has recently published its Action Plan for 2030 describing how BEREC can contribute to the regulatory environment in Europe that is fit for the digital age and the global context.

This Work Programme is well aligned with the strategic priorities set out in the action plan.

BEREC Work Programme 2024 PDF - 694.25 KB
Document number: BoR (23) 210
Document date: 07 December 2023
Date of registration: 12 December 2023
Author: BEREC