EMF related country-specific information for Spain

National regulatory Authority (NRA) NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
CNMC, ES No No No No. The competent authority does. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation is the competent authority responsible for monitoring EMF. Cooperation with the Ministry of Health. Web of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation publishing EMF measurements: https://avancedigital.mineco.gob.es/inspeccion-telecomunicaciones/niveles-exposicion/Paginas/servicio-estaciones-radioelectricas.aspx Yes: ICNIRP 1999/519/EG

    More information, clarity, and health organisations' involvement are needed.

    Publication of the EMF levels measured with more continuity in time for different periods of time and days.

    Identification of the sites that should be under specific control and follow-up.

    More cosmetic/mimetic or carefully installed sites could be of help as well.

    Specific mechanisms to control EMF levels and power should be implemented in the 5G equipment and 5G networks.

    It is needed countering misinformation at its early stage.

    It is needed to support local municipalities that are the closest entities to citizens.