EMF related country-specific information for Romania

Focal point – the National Regulatory Authority (NRA). No Information on cooperation.

NRA responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) monitoring and publishing

NRA operating fixed monitoring sensors installed in urban centers and publishing the results

NRA NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on EMF NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
ANCOM, RO No.In Romania, the maximum permissible limits of the electromagnetic field intensity are set by the Order of the Minister of Public Health no. 1193/2006 for the approval of the Rules on the limitation of exposure of the general population to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. This act transposes the Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz). Yes: ANCOM makes measurements exclusively in the public space, in accordance with its annual electromagnetic field measurement plan. According to the art. 7 (4) - (6) of the Government Decision no. 740/2016, putting into service and use of any radio communication/broadcasting station must take into account the observance of the essential requirement mentioned in art. 3 (1) lit. a) of this normative act, namely “the protection of the health and safety of persons and domestic animals, as well as the protection of property, including the objectives related to the safety requirements provided in the Government Decision no. 409/2016, but without the application of a voltage limit. No: The relationship between the measured values and the health status of the population is within the competence of public health institutes and centers, as well as public health directorates, entities subordinated to the Ministry of Health. Yes: ANCOM measurements are made in compliance with ECC Recommendation (02) 04 on methods for measuring non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and are available in the form of a map. Yes: In accordance with art. 10 (1) pt. 3 Government Emergency Ordinance no. 22/2009 regarding the establishment of the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications, as amended, ANCOM collaborates with public health institutes and centers, public health directorates and with the Ministry of Health. http://www.monitor-emf.ro/en/

    Some measures in this sense have already been taken:

    • in order to comply with the rules on limiting the exposure of the population to the effects of EMF, the licensee has the obligation to ensure, throughout the use of radio communication/broadcasting stations, compliance with the essential requirement for protection of health and safety of persons and domestic animals, as well as the protection of property, including the objectives related to safety requirements;
    • the licensee has the obligation to transmit, at request, in case of radio communications/broadcasting stations located inside the built-up areas and outside the buildings, the results of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation measurements indicating the value of the cumulative electromagnetic field in the targeted location;
    • the measurements shall be made in accordance with the recommendations of the Electronic Communications Committee of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations and may not be older than 24 months from the date of request;
    • ANCOM is already measuring the level of EMF emissions generated by low or high frequency sources (e.g. Radio/TV, GSM, UMTS, WiFi, WiMax stations or other transmission-receiving equipment operating in the 100 KHz – 7 GHz range) though its fixed monitoring sensors installed in urban centres. The real time results are made public through the website http://www.monitor-emf.ro/en/. In addition to the permanent monitoring of EMF through fixed sensors, ANCOM also performs measurements with mobile equipment and makes the results publicly available.