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BEREC held its 23rd meeting on 4 and 5 June 2015 in Bergen, hosted by Nkom. The plenary meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2015 – Prof. Fátima Barros – President of the Board of ANACOM (Portugal).

The meeting was divided into 2 parts, namely: meeting of the Board of Regulators and meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office. The meeting was preceded by Heads’ workshops on 3 June 2015 dedicated to the forthcoming review of the EU Regulatory Framework for electronic communication networks and services and the future of the telecom sector.

The main results of the meeting are as follows:

Board of Regulators (BoR)

During the meeting the BoR discussed and/or approved the following documents:
1.  Documents approved for publication
-    BEREC Annual Reports 2014 (also for submission to the European Parliament (EP), the Council of the European Union (EU), the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) by the Chair);
2.  Documents approved for public consultation
3.  Documents approved for submission to the Commission
-    High Level Statement on Tasks 1-3 of the WIK/TNO Draft Interim Report “Investigation into interoperability standards for the promotion of the internal market for electronic communications”.
4.  Documents approved for internal use
-    Outline of the BEREC Work Programme 2016;
-    BEREC Internal Report on the regulatory treatment of termination of calls originated outside EEA;
-    BEREC Internal Report on Information Sharing-Portal: Implementation Scenarios;
-    Up-dated BEREC Communication Plan;
-    Project Requirements Document for the preparation of BEREC report on post-merger market developments;
5.  Discussion on important topics
-    Digital Single Market (DSM) and forthcoming review of the Regulatory Framework for electronic communications
During the plenary meeting the Commission presented to the BoR the DSM Strategy and in particular the next steps in the forthcoming review of the Regulatory Framework for electronic communications in the EU. The BoR discussed the next steps and decided that due to the importance of the review for the future development of the sector, it would be appropriate to prepare some high-level inputs at Heads level to the BEREC opinion on the forthcoming review.
-    Common indicators of bundles in the EU
The BoR discussed also common indicators of bundles in the EU and provided some further guidance to the Benchmarking Expert Working Group to be taken into account in the next version of the document. The BEREC Internal Report on common indicators of bundles in the EU should be revised in line with the considerations of the BoR and submitted for approval by electronic voting procedure.
6.  Documents submitted for information and/or consideration
The BoR took note of the information provided in the following Reports:
-    Information on the electronic voting procedures since the 22nd plenary meetings (26-27 February 2015, Berne);
-    2015 BEREC Work Programme (WP) status update;
-    Summary Note on the outcome of the BEREC Workshop on Accessibility (4 March 2015, Brussels);
-    Report on the results from the BEREC International Mission to China.


7.  Oral up-date on important topics
The BoR was briefed in relation to several other important topics, as follows:
-   the outcome of the informal trilogue on the proposal for Regulation on the Telecom Single Market (TSM);
-   the 3rd BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting (15 October 2015, Brussels);
-   the state of work on the project for the development of BEREC collaboration platform BERECnet;
-   the recent and forthcoming BEREC International activities.

8.    Next meeting

The next meeting of the BoR will take place on 1 and 2 October 2015 in Riga (Latvia) and will be hosted by the Latvian Public Utilities Commission (SPRK). The meeting will be preceded by a Heads Workshop on the migration to all-IP networks for voice services.


BEREC Office Management Committee (MC)

The BEREC Office MC discussed current issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office.