BEREC Report on the Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2013

The BEREC Report on Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2013 was approved by the Board of Regulators during its 16th meeting (26.09.2013, Riga) as an “A” item.

This is the ninth annual report in a series summarising the findings of a detailed survey of regulatory accounting frameworks across Europe. The information has been gathered from National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and covers the implementation of regulatory cost accounting methodologies, which include allocation as well as annualisation methodologies, systems and processes.

The 2013 data in general confirms the trend towards an increasingly consistent approach to regulatory accounting obligations among NRAs. There is a clear preferences by the NRAs for price control methods (cost orientation alone or in combination with price caps), cost base (current cost accounting – CCA) and allocation methodologies (mainly long run incremental costs (LR(A)IC) with fully distributed costs (FDC) preferred only in a few – mainly retail – markets).

Document number: BoR (13) 110
Document date: 16 September 2013
Date of registration: 17 September 2013
Document type:
Author: BEREC