Press release - BEREC adopts the Work Programme 2021, more guidelines and launches the 5G radar

At the last ordinary meetings in 2020, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopted the Work Programme for 2021 which focuses on the three high-level priorities: promoting full connectivity, supporting sustainable and open digital markets and empowering the end-users. A key policy objective in 2021 is to promote the availability of very high capacity networks and 5G services.

On 15 December, at the public debriefing the incoming BEREC Chair, Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) thanked the stakeholders for their active involvement in developing the Work Programme. Moreover, the elected BEREC Chair for 2022, Annemarie Sipkes announced that in January 2021 BEREC will submit the outline of the Work Programme for 2022 to the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council. BEREC will gather early inputs for the Work Programme 2022 at a special online event that will take place on 1 April 2021.

Adopted Guidelines and work in progress

BEREC further adopted the two new Guidelines detailed below.

BEREC Guidelines on the criteria for a consistent application of Article 61(3) EECC

These guidelines on criteria to determine key aspects for the application of the extended and amended provision on symmetric access regulation according to Article 61(3) EECC. Under certain circumstances, NRAs may impose access to a point beyond the first concentration or distribution point.

BEREC Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the conditions and criteria for assessing co-investments in new very high capacity network elements (Article 76(1) and Annex IV EECC).

The guidelines aim to facilitate the consistent application by NRAs of the minimum criteria for assessing the relevant co-investment offers, as set out in Article 76 paragraph 1 and annex IV, e.g. the regulatory treatment of co-investments in new very high capacity network elements. 

Draft BEREC Guidelines to assist NRAs on the consistent application of geographical surveys of network deployments: Phase II: Verification

The draft BEREC guidelines on the consistent application of geographical surveys were adopted for public consultation from 15 December 2020 until 27 January 2021. The final guidelines are set to be approved in June 2021.

BEREC 5G radar – adopted and available online

BEREC also adopted the 5G radar, which is a tool for identifying developments in the 5G ecosystem that may need regulatory attention. The 5G radar will show the most important aspects for BEREC and NRAs and will allow to prioritise those developments in a timely manner.

A full list of public documents adopted at the 45th BEREC ordinary meetings is available on the BEREC website. The 46th BEREC ordinary meetings will take place in March 2021.

Document number: BoR (20) 246
Document date: 15 December 2020
Date of registration: 15 December 2020
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office