EMF related country-specific information for Denmark

Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (responsible for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF))

Involvement of operators (with regard to the method for the operator’s calculation and demonstration of the EMF exposure relative to threshold values)

Involvement of municipalities + operators + several authorities (with regard to site permissions)

National Regulatory Authority (NRA) NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure No Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure Yes, available at: https://sdfi.dk/digital-infrastruktur/frekvenser/fakta-om-5g-og-mobilstraaling- No, but available at: https://www.teleindu.dk/branchesamarbejde/master-og-antenner/mobilsignaler-og-sundhed/malinger-af-effekttaethed-ved-flere-operatorers-antennesystemer-pa-samme-antenneposition/ Yes N/N Yes: Recommendation 519/1999/EU

    Due to the increasing attention on EMF, there is intensified cooperation with other authorities and focused on public communication, as well as intensified monitoring of the operators. There is great cooperation between the different responsible authorities on health, safety, and telecom, and all the official announcements have been coordinated amongst these.

    The Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure which monitors EMF has a close dialogue with the operators who also experience that the collaboration (between authorities and operators) is beneficial to them when it helps alleviate concerns in the population. The Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure strives to make monitoring and supervision transparent to all. The Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure and operators have agreed on a method for the operator’s calculation and demonstration of the EMF expo-sure relative to the threshold values, which they will perform on a regular basis.

    The Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure has furthermore had a close dialogue with the municipalities for whom the roll-out of 5G means an increase in applications for permission to set up antennas. Through cooperation between municipalities, operators, and several authorities, a toolbox for application processes has been developed, including content.

    The Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure has invited a Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University, Denmark, to investigate the electronic fields of typical environments where the public has access in order to document that the threshold values are observed. The research paper is available to the public.