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 BEREC and its counterparts from EaPeReg (Eastern Europe), REGULATEL (South America) and EMERG (Mediterranean and North African countries)  met in Cascais (Portugal) on the 07/06/2017
On 7 June 2017, in Brussels, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to inform on recent BEREC work and the outcomes of the 31st plenary 31/05/2017
On 31st May , in Cascais, Portugal, BEREC is organizing a 4-lateral Summit, bringing together high-level representatives from the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators 30/05/2017
On 7 June, in Brussels, during the Public debriefing BEREC will launch three public consultations on the following documents: BEREC Medium-term strategy 2018-2020, Internet protocol 24/05/2017
In order to provide the co-legislators with relevant technical expertise and concrete proposals for amendments, BEREC publishes a series of short technical documents on non-competitive 11/05/2017
Every year, BEREC organises an international mission to a country outside the EU to get insights regarding the country’s electronic communications and digital markets and 05/04/2017
On 5 April 2017 BEREC has adopted Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC: Case 07/04/2017