Most Relevant Publication Date
What are specialised services and how are they relevant to the Regulation? BEREC uses the term ‘specialised services’ as a short expression for a longer 06/06/2016
What is traffic management and what is “equal treatment”? When end-users communicate over the Internet, data traffic is sent between the end-users’ terminals. The 06/06/2016
“Do you need a new BEREC to achieve its new tasks and missions?” asked Mr Soriano expressing BEREC’s strong disagreement on the EC proposal for 26/01/2017
“European rules on net neutrality cannot be rebutted anymore. […] It is now to national regulators and BEREC to make sure that these rules are 20/07/2017
European rules on net neutrality cannot be rebutted anymore. […] It is now to national regulators and BEREC to make sure that these rules 20/07/2017
BEREC welcomes the opportunity to provide an input to the Public Consultation on the Review of the “Commission guidelines on market analysis and the 19/06/2017
During the period between 7 June and 5 July 2017 BEREC has ran three public consultations on the following documents: BEREC Medium-term strategy 2018-2020, Internet 14/07/2017
BEREC currently is running three public consultations on the following documents: BEREC Medium-term strategy 2018-2020, Internet protocol interconnection practices in the context of Net Neutrality 28/06/2017
On 15 June, in Malta, BEREC Chair 2017 Mr Sebastien Soriano participated in the Digital Assembly 2017 session on “The new roaming paradigm: Switch on 15/06/2017
Wholesale Roaming Guidelines concern the wholesale roaming access obligations for mobile network operators and the rights for access seekers on the application of Article 3 09/06/2017