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During its 32nd plenary meeting (5-6 October 2017, Bucharest) BEREC approved for public consultation the Draft BEREC Report on the impact of premium content on 29/11/2017
BEREC and RSPG have recently approved for public consultation a draft joint report on facilitating mobile connectivity in ‘challenge areas’ The draft report provides a 31/10/2017
On 11 October 2017, in Brussels, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to present the recent BEREC work and the outcomes of the 32nd plenary 18/09/2017
On 18 October in Brussels, BEREC is organising its 5th Stakeholder Forum. This year’s edition will be devoted to many new challenges regulators face in 01/09/2017
In January 2017, BEREC commissioned Analysys Mason to conduct a study on Net neutrality. The objective of this study is to examine the approach taken 19/09/2017
How will regulators ensure that the new rules are fully and properly implemented? The Regulation requires NRAs to “closely monitor and ensure compliance” with the 30/08/2016
What transparency requirements does the Regulation introduce for ISPs? The Regulation requires ISPs to provide information about their internet access services, such as speeds, data 06/06/2016