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“National regulators shall monitor and enforce compliance with the Net Neutrality rules’ stressed the incoming BEREC Chair Sebastien Soriano at the Third World Internet Conference 17/11/2016
BEREC Vice-Chair Fátima Barros represented BEREC at the ECTA Regulatory Conference, which took place in Brussels on 9-10 November 2016. In particular, Mrs. Barros 10/11/2016
BEREC Vice-Chair Fátima Barros represented BEREC at the ECTA Regulatory Conference, which took place in Brussels on 9-10 November 2016. In particular, Mrs. Barros 10/11/2016
“Promoting investment is not only one of the framework objectives, but also one of BEREC’s strategic pillars” - emphasized BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler at the 15/11/2016
“Promoting investment is not only one of the framework objectives, but also one of BEREC’s strategic pillars” - emphasized BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler at the 15/11/2016
In this BEREC Newsletter edition, please find more information on the following topics: - Short overview on the outcomes of the 28th BEREC plenary meetings; 13/10/2016
On 29 September BEREC Chair Wilhelm Eschweiler participated in the Digital Assembly 2016 where he introduced preliminary BEREC views on the set of measures proposed 30/09/2016
During the 51st BEREC plenary meeting (9-10 June 2022), the Board of Regulators has approved the draft BEREC guidelines on Regulation (EU) 2022/612 and Commission 14/06/2022