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Ukrainian and EU operators have signed a new statement prolonging voluntary measures that enable Ukrainian refugees to have affordable access to connectivity, use roaming 06/02/2023
Export_Number_Ranges_Query Country Country_code Code_leading Num_starts Num_stops Max_num_length Min_num_length ECS_Type Link_rules_described Link_assigment_reported Only_EU Link_portability_is_reported Additional_information Worldwide BE 32 77 000 000 000 00 999 999 999 07/02/2023
In a joint paper, RSPG and BEREC are pleased to set out that accurate public information on the new technology and its interplay with electromagnetic 09/10/2020
From 26 February until 1 March 2023, the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) is participating at the leading telecoms industry event, the 28/02/2023
On Wednesday 15 March at 14:00 CET, BEREC is pleased to invite all interested stakeholders to participate in its public debriefing on the outcomes of 01/03/2023
The EU Data Act, an accessible future for end-users with disabilities, future of regulation in the Digital era and the early call for input to 02/03/2023
On 13 April 2023, at 13:30 CET, BEREC will hold a virtual workshop on secure and reliable connectivity from LEO (low Earth orbit) satellite fleets.  09/03/2023
The 1st meeting of the BEREC Contact Network (CN) for 2023 will take place virtually on 16-17 February 2023. The objective of the meeting is to prepare the 06/12/2022
 On Wednesday 15 March BEREC held its public debriefing on the outcomes of the 54th BEREC ordinary meetings.    The debriefing covered the latest 06/12/2022
With a view to exploring technological developments, regulatory aspects and best practices in policy and regulation outside Europe, a delegation from BEREC has undertaken a 11/04/2023