F. Barros: "BEREC - perfect guardian for the digital galaxy"

BEREC Vice-Chair Fátima Barros represented BEREC at the ECTA Regulatory Conference, which took place in Brussels on 9-10 November 2016. In particular, Mrs. Barros participated as a speaker in the panel discussion regarding “The institutional setup – who will be the “Guardians of the Digital Galaxy” on 10 November.

Fátima Barros presented the steps that BEREC is conducting regarding the Commission proposal of 14 September on connectivity, namely the Electronic Communication Code and the BEREC Regulation. BEREC is drafting a high level Opinion on the EC’s proposals for a review of the electronic communication framework, which will be approved in the next BEREC Plenary (8th December) in Berlin. Afterwards, BEREC will do an in-depth analysis of the articles of the proposal.

Although overall positive about the connectivity proposals, she pointed out some doubts regarding the proposals of the Commission for the institutional set-up of BEREC, as there are many compelling reasons for building upon BEREC’s success, rather than seeking to rebuild it on different foundations. "The current BEREC Institutional model works, and the way BEREC is organized is the best option to guarantee the regulatory objectives. We should not change a winning team. BEREC, in its current structure, works as a perfect guardian for the digital galaxy".