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Citizens of the EU will continue to call, text, and use mobile data, while traveling within the EU at no extra costs and with the 09/12/2021
5 November 2007 In addition to the consultation of the I/ERG Work Programme 2008 a Public Hearing will be held in Brussels on 20 November 05/11/2007
5G is expected to create an ecosystem for technical and business innovation, and to become a major driver of economic growth. As the 5G market 25/11/2021
During the 48th BEREC plenary meeting (29 September 2021), the Board of Regulators has approved the draft BEREC Report on the regulatory treatment for fixed 08/11/2021
BEREC has approved the outline of the Work Programme 2022 at the end of January 2021 (BoR (21) 01). This early adoption is a requirement 08/11/2021
Contact the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) or the BEREC Office Should you need to contact BEREC or the BEREC Office you 16/07/2012
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is currently assessing the details of the rulings issued by the Court of Justice (ECJ) on 28/10/2021
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is currently assessing the details of the rulings issued by the Court of Justice (ECJ) on 26/10/2021
BEREC and its members stand ready to assist the Commission and the Member States in implementing the Digital Compass by benchmarking indicators and reporting on 22/10/2021
Today, on 30 September 2021, the BEREC Board of Regulators elected the BEREC Chair for 2023, Konstantinos Masselos – the president of the Hellenic Telecommunications 30/09/2021