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To help National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and stakeholders collect relevant data regarding over-the-top (OTT) services, BEREC has elaborated its harmonised definitions for a limited number 06/10/2021
23 October 2007  Following the ERG 22nd Plenary Session held in Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2007, please find attached here the Press Release issued today 23/10/2007
After a couple of workshops and a public consultation round, BEREC has adopted and published its final Report on the ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers 06/10/2021
Backhaul is an essential element supporting fixed and mobile electronic communication services in the retail market. However, not every service provider – either mobile or 05/10/2021
On 29 September 2021, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, regulators from various world regions gathered together at the Four-lateral Summit. Representatives of BEREC, EaPeReg, REGULATEL and EMERG 29/09/2021
After numerous online public debriefings, BEREC is happy to inform that stakeholders are most welcome to join the BEREC Chair and the Working Group Co-chairs 27/09/2021
The new official website of BEREC has gone on line with the aim of providing effective and timely information to all European citizens, businesses, stakeholders 21/08/2012
On 12 October 2021, from 14:00 – 16:00 CET, BEREC will hold a public virtual workshop concerning the “BEREC Report to enable comparable national broadband 28/09/2021
23 October 2007 Following the ERG 22nd Plenary Session held in Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2007, there was a public debriefing held in Brussels on 23/10/2007
After more than a year of having  online events, BEREC is excited to meet in person again! Registration to participate in the BEREC Stakeholder Forum 22/09/2021