Most Relevant Publication Date
12 September 2011 Following Berec's Plenary Session which will be held in Barcelona on 29-30 September 2011 a public debriefing will be held in 12/09/2011
BEREC Office, set up to provide administrative and professional support to the BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, has published following vacancy:   06/08/2013
31 August 2011 Press release : BEREC presents analysis on Roaming Regulation to European Parliament 31/08/2011
On 20 June 2013 the European Commission informed the German National Regulatory Authority BNetzA and BEREC about its serious doubts on a draft measure concerning  02/08/2013
29 August 2011 The BEREC Analysis of the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on Roaming COM (2011) 402 of 6 July 2011 (BoR 11 29/08/2011
On 13 June 2013 the European Commission informed the Estonian National Regulatory Authority ECA and BEREC about its serious doubts considering that a draft measure 30/07/2013
26 August 2011 As part of the BEREC work programme 2011 BEREC is preparing a report on the cross border accessibility of numbers. In 26/08/2011
Run from 9 January to 10 February 2012 Following a decision of the Board of Regulators of 9 December 2011, in the period from 11/02/2012
Run from 9 January to 10 February 2012   The draft BEREC Report on impact of fixed-mobile substitution (FMS) in market definition was discussed and 10/02/2012
Run from 14May to 3 June 2013 On 14 May 2013 BEREC launched a public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines about the application 12/07/2013