14 June 2021

BEREC seeks stakeholders' inputs towards general authorisation scheme and experience during the COVID-19 pandemics

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During the online BEREC public debriefing on 16 June 2021, the BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) and the Working group Co-chairs will call for stakeholders’ input on the general authorisation scheme of the EU. BEREC will also launch the public consultation on the draft report covering the COVID-19 lessons learned and identify future-proof measures to tackle similar crises. The registered participants of the public debriefing can place their questions in the registration form or ask during the event.

General authorisation

The European Electronic Communications Code tasks BEREC to publish by 21 December 2021, and every three years thereafter, an Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation and their impact on the functioning of the internal market. 

During the 47th BEREC ordinary meeting, the Board of Regulators decided to launch a call to interested stakeholders to provide their inputs in the light of any issues identified in the field, both in the EU legislative framework and in national implementation solutions, by means of answering to a set of questions

Such inputs will be taken into account by BEREC within the elaboration of its Opinion.

All stakeholders are invited to submit their inputs by 26 July 2021 close of business to [email protected], preferably in English.

The Board of Regulators will adopt and submit the BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation to the European Commission in December 2021. 

COVID-19 experiences and how future-proof NRAs are

The Board of Regulators also decided to launch a public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on the COVID-19 crisis: lessons learned regarding communications networks and services for a resilient society. Among other topics, the report will focus on the measures adopted at national level, focusing on NRAs’ actions to cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of electronic communication networks and services. 

The draft report collects case studies and draws regulatory lessons to ensure that European electronic communication networks are future-proof. 

Stakeholders are invited to submit their contributions here by 26 July 2021 close of business. Contributions should be sent preferably in English.

The Board of Regulators plans to adopt the Report on the COVID-19 crisis and lessons learned in December 2021.