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66 Results: BEREC Office / Budget of the Office / Accounts
Displaying 31 - 40 of 66 results
Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
MC (16) 57 Letter from the European Court of Auditors to the BEREC Office Administrative Manager with the preliminary observations with a view to a report on the annual accounts of the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications for the financial year 2015. ECA
MC (16) 67 Letter from the European Court of Auditors to the BEREC Office Administrative Manager about the results of the review of the external auditors' work on the provisional accounts for 2015 ECA
MC (16) 31 BEREC Office Provisional Annual Accounts for 2015 BEREC Office
MC (16) 28 Letter to the ECA in relation to the audit in respect of 2015 exercise BEREC Office AM
MC (15) 95 Opinion of the Management Committee of the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC Office) on the European Court of Auditor’s report on the annual accounts for financial year 2014 BEREC Office MC
MC (15) 120 Letter from the Administrative Manager to the European Parliament for submitting the BEREC Office MC Opinion on the European Court of Auditor’s report on the annual accounts for financial year 2014 BEREC Office Administrative Manager
MC (15) 119 Letter from the Administrative Manager to the European Commission for submitting the BEREC Office MC Opinion on the European Court of Auditor’s report on the annual accounts for financial year 2014 BEREC Office Administrative Manager
MC (15) 118 Letter from the Administrative Manager to the European Court of Auditors for submitting the BEREC Office MC Opinion on the European Court of Auditor’s report on the annual accounts for financial year 2014 BEREC Office Administrative Manager
MC (15) 108 Letter from the President of ECA to the BEREC Chair on the annual accounts of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2014 European Court of Auditors
MC (15) 69 BEREC Office MC Opinion concerning the final accounts of the year 2014 BEREC Office MC
Displaying 31 - 40 of 66 results