Questionnaire to National Authorities on Sustainability Indicators for Electronic Communications

In the recent report ‘Assessing BEREC’s contribution to limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment’ adopted by the BoR in June 2022, BEREC has underlined the need to identify the relevant indicators in order to better characterize the environmental impact of ECNs and ECSs.

As foreseen in the BEREC Work Program 2022, BEREC Sustainability WG therefore began its work on the environmental transparency of the telecommunications industry aiming to map and analyse most relevant indicators to evaluate the environmental footprint of the sector as well as NRAs’ experience and view of the topic.

As part of its work stream on Sustainability Indicators, BEREC Sustainability WG prepared this BEREC Questionnaire to National Authorities on Sustainability Indicators for Electronic Communications in order to collect the feedback from the NRAs.

As sustainability-related initiatives in the telecom industry are often lead by other competent national authorities, the questionnaire can also be forwarded to other relevant authorities in your Member States.

Sustainability WG would like to invite you to provide your NRAs answers to the questionnaire by 2 December 2022, COB.

Please follow the link to access the questionnaire on EUSurvey:

We would also like to inform you that the questionnaire targeting telecoms stakeholders will be disseminated in parallel.

We would really appreciate if NRAs could share the information with their national operators to be sure to collect as much feedback as possible to this voluntary questionnaire.

Below you can find a link to the questionnaire for industry players:

Please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with any further questions or requests you might have.

We thank you for your cooperation.