Questionnaire to Industry Players on Sustainability Indicators for Electronic Communications Networks and Services

In the recent report ‘Assessing BEREC’s contribution to limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment’ adopted by the BoR in June 2022, BEREC has underlined the need to identify the relevant indicators in order to better characterize the environmental impact of ECNs and ECSs. This objective is in line with the objectives the European Commission’s digital strategy ‘Shaping Europe’s digital future’ and the European Green Deal.

As foreseen in the BEREC Work Program 2022, BEREC Sustainability WG therefore began its work on the environmental transparency of the telecommunications industry aiming to map and analyse most relevant indicators to evaluate the environmental footprint of the sector.

As part of its work stream on Sustainability Indicators, BEREC Sustainability WG prepared this Questionnaire to Industry Players on Sustainability Indicators for Electronic Communications Networks and Services in order to engage with stakeholders and other public bodies working on the subject matter.

With this questionnaire BEREC invites all industry stakeholders including telecom operators, service providers, device manufacturers, and other ICT industry players, to share their insights and practices in terms of environmental reporting and to help BEREC identify which indicators are deemed feasible and useful to assess the sector’s environmental footprint at the European level and improve the comparability of telecom industry players’ environmental impact and performance.

The results of stakeholders’ inputs will feed into BEREC report, which will be published in 2023, and may have a significant influence on BEREC’s future work, including enabling BEREC to position itself in relation to the Commission's work in this area.

Sustainability WG would like to invite you to provide your answers to the questionnaire by 2 December 2022, COB.

Please follow the link to access the questionnaire on EUSurvey:

The access to the questionnaire does not require pre-registration.

Before responding to this questionnaire, please note that any information mentioned in the answers and not pointed out as confidential is likely to be published within the report.

Please be aware that BEREC will not accept any answer received after this date or in a separate document.

Please do not hesitate to contact with any further questions or requests you might have.

We thank you for your cooperation.