Public consultations on draft BEREC report on pricing for access to infrastructure and civil works according to the BCRD

This public consultation is seeking stakeholders’ views regarding the BEREC draft report on pricing for access to infrastructure and civil works according to the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive (BCRD).

In 2017 a report was completed on the „Implementation of the BRCD” giving an overview of the tasks appointed to National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and how they were implemented. One of the challenges identified relates to the price setting for access to existing physical infrastructure as foreseen in Article 3 para 5, which is why this complex topic is studied in more detail. Pricing terms might become relevant in all three areas of the BCRD (access to existing physical infrastructure, coordination of civil works and access to passive in-building infrastructure). However, the focus of the current report is on pricing of existing infrastructure, in particular duct and poles as this area is most relevant for most MSs.

The report is based on answers to a questionnaire sent to NRAs. It mainly deals with access to existing infrastructure (Art 3 BCRD) with subsections on the relevance of different regimes for access to existing physical infrastructure, pricing methodologies set out for pricing according to the BCRD including short paragraphs summarising individual MSs’ approaches and finally a summary of the few existing pricing decisions taken on the basis of the BCRD. It also looks at the coordination of civil works and access to in-building physical infrastructure.

The purpose of the public consultation is to increase transparency on the on-going work of BEREC regarding pricing for access to infrastructure and civil works according to the BCRD and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from stakeholders.

In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. In case of confidential information please provide a public version of your contribution that can be used for publication.

All stakeholders were invited to submit their contributions via the email [email protected] by 7 November 17:00 CET 2018.

Contributions should preferably be submitted in English.