Public consultation on the draft BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation, and on their impact on the functioning of the internal market
During the 59th BEREC plenary meeting (6 June 2024), the Board of Regulators has approved the draft BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation, and on their impact on the functioning of the internal market, pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 3 EECC (draft Opinion).
The draft Opinion is structured as follows:
- Chapter 1 provides a short legal background to the exercise;
- Chapter 2 bears an overview of the EECC transposition status in the Union, with a focus on Article 12 EECC, and looks into the level of NRAs’ adoption of the BEREC notification template;
- Chapter 3 develops an analysis of the functioning of the GADB so far; and
- Chapter 4 proposes an overall assessment of the GA regime and introduces some forward-looking considerations;
- Chapter 5 provides some conclusions.
BEREC is seeking stakeholders view on the questions below:
- Do you agree with the assessment provided by BEREC of the state of play concerning the implementation of the GA regime?
- Are there further issues than those mentioned in the draft Opinion hindering the smooth functioning of the GA regime in the Union?
- Would you suggest any future adaptation to the GA regime in the future (e.g., in terms of scope, operational functioning…)?
Additionally, stakeholders are invited to comment the draft Opinion per chapter.
Practical details of the public consultation
The public consultation will run from 12 June 2024 to 26 July 2024.
All stakeholders are invited to submit their contributions via the EU Survey here or to the following e-mail address: [email protected] (in case you are facing any difficulties with the platform).
Contributions should be sent preferably in English and, in order to facilitate processing of the responses, the comments provided should clearly refer to particular chapters and sections of the document.
We strongly encourage all stakeholders to submit their contributions as early as possible. Contributions received after the above mentioned deadline will not be taken into account.
In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. Any such requests should clearly indicate which information is considered confidential.
Contributions received:
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