Public consultation 01/12 on the draft BEREC Medium Term Strategy Outlook

Run from 16 December 2011 to 16 January 2012

During its 9th plenary meeting held in Bucharest on 8 and 9 December 2011, the Board of Regulators approved a draft BEREC’s strategy outlook for the coming 3-5 years, which is expected to further enhance itseffectiveness. Taking into account the importance of the document, BEREC decided to hold a public consultation on its draft Strategy outlook in compliance with Article 17 of Regulation (EC) 1211/2009 and Decision BoR (10) 27.

You may consult the draft BEREC medium term strategy outlook subject to consultation, the full text of the notice for launching the public consultation, as well as the BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on its draft Strategy from the currect section or from the register of BEREC documents.

All individual contributions received during the public consultations can be consulted below (listed in alphabetical order of the name of the contributor):

ECTA, ETNO, FTTH Council Europe, Telefonica, Vodafone, VON and WIND.

The final text of the Strategy, which takes into account the comments received during public consultation, can be found here.